Monday, April 2, 2018

Growth Mindset: Multiple Intelligences

I definitely think everyone has multiple intelligences, and while some people are considered traditionally intelligent that does not mean there are not ways you can still grow your intelligence. I have killed myself academically for five years, but would really love to grow my intrapersonal and natural intelligences. I need to take time to reflect with myself and be around living things, I think that is one of the most important things I can do for my happiness. It is so important to lead a very well-rounded life, and not get bogged down with what society says is number-one important.

Connecting with nature. Photo by Steve Henry/USFWS.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I agree that people shouldn't be shackled to what society deems is important. I actually think it's pretty unhealthy to focus on just that one aspect of intelligence. Expanding your other intelligences through experience and communication is important to human growth in my opinion. Gaining new outlooks and perspectives might not make you academically more intelligent but it makes you more emotionally intelligent, which is as important I think.
