I try to leave comments in the same fashion as the ones that I find most useful. I try to point out specific things that I did not understand or try to suggest specific strategies for them to improve their stories. I also always try to start off with what I like because I do not want to tear people down.
I definitely do feel a sense of community when I get to comment on other people's blogs and read stories from them week after week as well as see other people's comments on their blogs. I am happy with my introduction post and it gives me chance to identify with people on topics that are most important to me.
I think looking forward I could try to give more big picture criticism, and also try to be more explanatory in what confuses me and why. I do think I want to make some changes to my blog but I am not sure of what yet.

I like this picture because I really try to focus on criticism that I receive from more than one person. Lots of times people give me comments that are simply a disagreement in writing style, but if I get the comment from more than one person than I know its something to seriously consider changing.
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