-Okay first things first, he took advantage of her
situation? So he raped her. So this cow was tied up (I don’t know what fast in
the mire is but need to look that up), and this guy raped her and she gave
birth to a boy. Maybe as a cow she didn’t care, but I think even animals had
feelings. What kind of creep goes around raping cows?
-Secondly, why is the boy so keen to find his cow-raping
dad? And I do not see his dad coming and searching for him. The dad does not
seem to have any interest in having a son. How would the son know what to look
for? There needs to be more detail in the retelling
-So when the dad comes to the cow she charges at him, which I
can get on board with. But then it simply says “Then she went home with her
husband and child”. Where’s the wedding? How does she feel? She is a remarkably good woman and deserves to
be treated as such
-So this guy strikes her with a burning stick because she
did not feel like cooking a feast for his guests? He does not sound like a very
good husband
-I thoroughly enjoy that he had to rub himself in what I can
only assume is buffalo feces
- I do not think the man should have been resurrected after
being trampled by the buffalo. He did not deserve the wife and son he had, and
could not recognize his own son among the calves. His wife and son should have
moved on and been better off without him. I would like to rewrite the story
where they move on to remain buffalos and have a happy life. Maybe the son
becomes chief of the buffalo heard.

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