-I'm definitely at least seeing some more powerful women in this story, but again with the six knights, its because she "has beauty that has no rival". So would knights swear to serve her if she was not pretty?
-Ok so it says further on that even as a child she liked to use weapons and hunt and did not like ladylike things, which is cool and different but again with the lovestruck puppy stuff, it is just so one-dimensional
-Scudamour sounds like a toddler, and would likely be more successful in his knightly efforts if he would stop flinging his armor on the ground and laying face down and throwing tantrums
-I like that Britomart seems to not be interested in material wealth
-So Merlin told her that the brave strong knight would become king and have lots of sons and kings as offspring, but he never said it would be with her. She seems to be putting a lot of faith in a shadow of an image she saw in a mirror
Story source: Stories from the Faerie Queene by Mary Macleod, with drawings by A. G. Walker (1916).

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