- I really liked this article. I know judging is something that I struggle with, and even though I think I have gotten better as I have grown it is something that I will always struggle with and have to fight against. I have had more than one instance where I have judged someone harshly and instantaneously, only to find out soon after that there were extenuating circumstances that explained their behavior. You just never know what is going on in someone's life.
-One of the strategies the article mentioned is reminding yourself that you are just like them, and that you have probably done whatever thing you are judging them for. That is something that I have found has worked quite well for me. When someone cuts me off in traffic, I remind myself that I have done that before and maybe they are late for work.
-A new strategy that I thought was really interesting was feeling good about your situation and behavior. The article states if you feel good about your parenting style, you are much less likely to judge someone else's. I think that's very true, and it boils down to the more self-esteem I have and the more I can have confidence in myself, the less I will need to tear anyone else down

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